Tuesday, June 20, 2017

New Beginnings as of 18th May and now

"Father" dont want me grieve , Father want me to understand , it not that it not good to remember him but it pains to see nothing can change now , the best is to live for "him" and his revelation and wisdom . rippling the life of others , taking care of my mum and "his" legacy to continue to give "him" peace is to pay respects to "him" who brought me up . every single day have to be earn not given . i cannot assume there is always another day . life fragile eventually will go to another dimension or parrrallax . so i have to seize whichever time space i have left in this heart toiling earth .
p.s MJL

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

bad day being rip off

i had a bad day today after getting my life treathen by a bad taxi driver and nowwhere i can find a carpark in dontown to park the van. at lat when i find a carpark at the hitachi building tat the van can enter and yet the carpark is difficult to access for the van even to monover thru . worst stil i end up overlook the right back entry signboard and tat goes a big slash on the right side of thr van., and the pple yet still take adv and esp the company ADSOLUTE SIGNS want rip off by charging 700 for a stupid a3 sign metal box shaped sign board (some more initially charge 950).

fxxkin rip off pple at the FCC and mgt and sign comp for a obviously cheap signboard

incorrigible inconsiderate taxi driver

what a day to meet with a black yellow top taxi driver who accel from behind and cuts adruptly into my lane while i was turning right at the t junction. i had to hornto warn him yet this unreasonable mid aged old taxi driver had such fxxkin baa temp and anyhow tok cxxk do not care abt creating danger to me and others. he better get his retribution, strip of of his license before he killed someone. hope our gods get to read this act of taxi drivers.

Monday, April 2, 2007

what a day

today is indeed a not very good day but at least it is over. first a bad awakening and early morning the car fails to wake up, okay fine once i reach work and yet had to receive a complaint on branch staffnot reaching office, i had to spend energy negatively. next comes a customer with problem and had to receive another set negative issues but yet to resolve. soon comes another my DA XIAO JIE staff unreasonliy express her anger for haandling frustrated customer - and she get infected. oone more another customer comes and demanding his way for everything he thinks right. finally my staff had miscommunicate and did tell his charge for customer and customer vroom off less paying and still complians. for things to change - imust change and let go of all these negative karmas. may al this lessen negative energies in my life, may others vent their anger and turns wella nd realize all that is unneccessary. i thereby bless my higher self and request all the above negative karma and the divine design of my life to come to pass immediatly under grace and in prefect ways . may all the divine light comes shone to enlightenment and divine release